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配偶间的隐私权和忠实义务的冲突是我国婚姻关系中错综复杂的问题,随着社会的发展,该问题日益凸显,不仅关乎我国婚姻制度的完备,更关乎社会的稳定和谐。《婚姻法》修订后的数年中,我国最高人民法院随后出台了三次司法解释,但是却对夫妻间忠实义务与婚内隐私权冲突的协调没有提出具有实质指导性的法律意见。文章拟通过对夫妻忠实义务和婚内隐私权的含义及特点的理解,阐述夫妻间忠实义务和婚内隐私权的客体内容和法律关系,通过讨论二者之间的冲突现状、原因,以寻求解决途径。  相似文献   
My agenda is to ground psychological science in culture by using complex rather than overly simple models of culture and using indigenous categories as criteria of a translation test to determine the adequacy of scientific models of culture. I first explore the compatibility between Chinese indigenous categories and complex models of culture, by casting in the theoretical framework of symmetry and symmetry breaking (Bolender, 2010) a series of translations performed on Fiske's (1991) relational models theory. Next, I show how the dimensional approach to culture, prevalent in mainstream psychology, fails the translation test. Ethical implications of this analysis for cross cultural psychology are discussed.  相似文献   
花鼓灯是盛行于沿淮两岸广大农村地区的民间艺术,有着表现内容丰富、表演形式复杂、表演风格热烈等艺术特点,具有南北地域兼容并包的过渡文化背景,蕴含着道家随遇而安、顺势而为的逍遥文化观。花鼓灯艺术富含了淮河流域自然、历史、社会和文化等多重因子,体现了淮河流域人民独特的生活方式、道德观念、心理素质和思想情感。花鼓灯艺术深受淮河沿岸群众的喜爱和高度文化认同。新时期花鼓灯艺术所独有的历史民俗价值、文化传承的价值、非物质文化遗产的保护利用价值,对于当前的社会主义新农村文化建设至关重要。  相似文献   
罗马法上的人格同时规定了人在公法与私法上的主体地位,是一种通用型人格,因此罗马法上的人格是法律主体资格而非权利主体资格。德国法上民事人格采取的是权利能力理论,而商事人格采取的是商人"身份人格理论",即商人既是一种身份,又是商事主体,商人在获得商人身份的同时获得商事人格,成为商事主体。某一主体可以同时获得多重人格"面具",也可以仅仅获得单一人格"面具"。民事人格、商事人格等独立的类型化人格所形成的人格多重性,其缘由在于诸法合一向诸法分立的转变以及社会分工加深了"完整人"向"局部人"的蜕变。现代人格理论的缺陷在于将民法上的"人"当作法律上的"人",试图以"局部人(民法上的人)"替代"完整人(法律上的人)",将类型化人格(民事人格)作为通用型人格使用。  相似文献   
《吕氏春秋》倡导重农的政策思想主要是对《老子》“圣人之治”理论的继承和发展,体现在:“朴”的政治哲学,“不尚贤”的政治主张和老子“小国寡民”的政治情怀。《老子》与《吕氏春秋》之间有两条主轴贯穿始终:一是以老子政治哲学为主的道家“无为”思想,《吕氏春秋》将其浸透在重农政策中;二是《周易》、《老子》思维方式在《吕氏春秋》中的体现,具体表现在《吕氏春秋》的言说方式和言说内容具有正反相合、注重“天地人”三者融通与和谐的整体性思维特点。而《周易》、《老子》的流传与演变,为《吕氏春秋》的思想内容、思维方式和言说特点提供了方便之门。  相似文献   
言、象、意三者的关系在中国古代美学中占有重要地位,既涉及语言学知识,也涉及美学知识,更涉及哲学知识。古人早就意识到"言不尽意",于是"立象以尽意",最后达到"得意忘象"。对言、象、意三者关系的不同认识,导致中国古代文学理论与西方的有所不同,中西美学也形成了各自的特点。  相似文献   
《全清词·雍乾卷》共收词人约1000多家,词作35000多首。然由于清代词籍的复杂性,遗漏在所难免。今翻检清人诗文集及地方志等,为之补录靳之隆、康载、王天发、王翰青、张礼等五家凡61首,以备续编采择之需。  相似文献   
为情而造文与为文而造情在《文心雕龙·情采》篇中以一组对立的概念出现,关于为情而造文历来受到研究者们的肯定与重视,但为文而造情一直遭到尖锐的批判,只有个别学者加以研究与肯定。关于两者的比较研究目前尚未开展,对二者进行比较研究,有助于探索文学本位,正确对待儒家传统文化。  相似文献   
In this call to action, a coalition of Indigenous and non-Indigenous researchers from Australia, Aotearoa New Zealand, United States and Canada argue for the urgent need for adequately funded Indigenous-led solutions to perinatal health inequities for Indigenous families in well-resourced settler-colonial countries. Authors describe examples of successful community-driven programs making a difference and call on all peoples to support and resource Indigenous-led perinatal health services by providing practical actions for individuals and different groups.  相似文献   
The current study assesses the association between several work-related factors and psychological distress among social workers (SWs) in Israel. The data were collected through structured questionnaires, administered to a sample of 494 SWs. The findings suggest that most of the examined work-related factors (namely, years of professional experience, personal work-related subjection to violence, burnout, compassion fatigue, and sense of coherence), with the exception of compassion satisfaction, significantly predicted psychological distress among SWs. The conclusion is that it is important to embed within the social work practice strategies for reducing sources of psychological distress (job demands) and increasing material, professional, and personal resources. Reducing the levels of psychological distress experienced by SWs will benefit not only themselves, but also their families and colleagues, as well as their clients. Moreover, this has potential benefits for the social work profession and for the general community.  相似文献   
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